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    Female Training

    Physical Activity

    Get moving

    Get active

    Join the fight against type II diabetes

    The relationship between Type II Diabetes and Physical Activity

    People with type II diabetes develop insulin resistance. Physical activity can help manage or even reverse these effects.

    In fact, just interrupting long episodes of sitting can help!

    A study by Duvivier and his colleagues looked at breaking up sitting with light activities vs. structured exercise and saw benefits for glycemic control and insulin sensitivity.

    What are my options?

    Crossfit Class

    Resistance Training

    A study by Strasser and her colleague suggests that resistance training has the power to combat metabolic dysfunction in patients with type II diabetes. Resistance training has been shown to improve metabolic health and reduce metabolic risk factors. 

    Pilates Class on Reformers


    Chen and colleagues conducted a systematic review and found that among subjects, those that performed pilates had a significantly greater reduction in blood glucose after a meal.

    Group Running

    Get out there and get moving!

    According to the American Diabetes Association, adults with Type II Diabetes should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity per week.

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